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The Mall at University Town Center

Shining the Spotlight on a Glitzy Grand Opening

Pyper, Inc. teamed with the marketing department of Taubman in 2013 to manage planning and media buying for the grand opening of their ambitious project, The Mall at University Town Center––the first mall to be built in the U.S. in five years, with more than 60 percent of the stores new to Sarasota.

We aimed to reach affluent female shoppers throughout a three-county area, spidering south into Ft. Myers/Naples where there was a shopping void. PY recommended television, out-of-home and newspaper to provide strong area-wide penetration, while lifestyle magazines, radio, and digital tactics helped build optimal frequency among women. We constructed email marketing and Facebook ad efforts to grow The Mall at UTC database and social media community for cost-efficient communications that lasts well into the future.

Awareness Rate

Research following the grand opening in October 2014 showed that The Mall at UTC established an impressive 59.4 percent awareness rate––more than double the 24.2 percent that other area malls averaged––delivering much more than Taubman bargained for.

**Source: Market Strategies International

Media Buying Elements

Multimedia Planning | Placement | Management | Reconciliation

Shining the Spotlight on a Glitzy Grand Opening

Pyper, Inc. teamed with the marketing department of Taubman in 2013 to manage planning and media buying for the grand opening of their ambitious project, The Mall at University Town Center––the first mall to be built in the U.S. in five years, with more than 60 percent of the stores new to Sarasota.

We aimed to reach affluent female shoppers throughout a three-county area, spidering south into Ft. Myers/Naples where there was a shopping void. PY recommended television, out-of-home and newspaper to provide strong area-wide penetration, while lifestyle magazines, radio, and digital tactics helped build optimal frequency among women. We constructed email marketing and Facebook ad efforts to grow The Mall at UTC database and social media community for cost-efficient communications that lasts well into the future.

Awareness Rate

Research following the grand opening in October 2014 showed that The Mall at UTC established an impressive 59.4 percent awareness rate––more than double the 24.2 percent that other area malls averaged––delivering much more than Taubman bargained for.

**Source: Market Strategies International

Media Buying Elements

Multimedia Planning | Placement | Management | Reconciliation

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