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Why Your Marketing Agency Should Run on EOS®

Sep 19, 2024

Our integrated marketing agency began implementing the Entrepreneurial Operating System® (EOS®) in late 2022 after learning about it from both clients and agency friends. At first attempt, it felt a little daunting for our small but mighty team, with its prescribed action items, slew of jargon, and demand for our time, attention, and consistent discipline. But just a couple years later, we love it. It has become ingrained in our organizational culture as the mechanism to solving problems and run our business more effectively. 

Now that we’re a couple years into it, we’ve found its applications to our client work equally effective. We have applied several components of the EOS methodology into all our clients’ work, even if they are not EOS companies, although many are. This is why you should consider working with a marketing agency who runs on EOS.

Setting Long- and Short-Term Goals

Sometimes clients come to us with a clear vision and plan for their organization, but oftentimes, they’re focused on some immediate challenge or need. For years, we’ve tailored our approach for each client engagement, encouraging clients to think deeply, not only about the immediate and short-term future, but longer term as well. 

This is fundamental to the EOS process: setting a vision for the coming year, three years, and a big 10-year BHAG–big, hairy, audacious goal. As we’ve adopted EOS into our own agency, we’ve added components of the EOS Vision/Traction Organizer (V/TO) into our foundational work with all clients, particularly the brand platform. Doing so challenges clients to think strategically and aligns our marketing efforts with their business goals. After all, the best marketing plans support strong business plans

Set EOS Rocks to Stay on Track 

Many companies have probably experienced a great strategic planning day at some point in their career. Usually some kind of company retreat or big planning session, coming up with ideas and plans–only to look up 6 months later and realize nothing changed, nothing was implemented, and everything is exactly as it was. The team feels defeated and never wants to participate in a strategic planning session again. 

This is perhaps where EOS shines brightest. As humans, our attention span maxes out around 90 days, which is why every 90 days, we set new goals, called Rocks. These goals help take steps to that one-year plan, so at the end of the year, the team will see major accomplishments. Each quarter we revisit the Rocks, see what’s been accomplished, and set new ones. 

Our integrated marketing agency operated on annual and quarterly marketing plans (and budgets, and timelines) prior to adopting EOS. Now, when we work with clients who run on EOS, we can work with them to incorporate their marketing Rocks into the quarterly plans we are already working on. We often collaborate with them to set the Rocks and have even sat in the “Marketing Seat” for their EOS team when requested. Working collaboratively via EOS’s framework improves communication between our team and our clients’, builds trust, and gives us deeper insights into the business so we can make more strategic recommendations for their marketing. We operate as a direct extension of our clients’ team. 

This is oversimplifying the practice of the daily tasks and weekly check-ins that happen within each 90 days to accomplish those goals, but the effects are measurable.

Measurable Results Matter

Results are one of our core values, and have been long before we adopted EOS. Clients’ success is critical to our success, as it’s a reflection of our hard work and talented team. Nothing is as satisfying as helping our clients succeed. 

EOS utilizes a Data Scorecard to track results; typically a simple spreadsheet with key metrics updated weekly or monthly to track progress and flag potential pitfalls. You know us, you know we geek out about KPIs! While our monthly, quarterly, and annual marketing reports are extensive, we often synthesize key metrics into a simple scorecard updated collaboratively with clients, so we all share a picture of what’s working and what may need to be optimized. What can be measured can be managed, and that’s what we’re here to do. 

EOS Agencies are Highly Accountable

With clear goals, consistent status meetings, and a Data Scorecard, we’re highly accountable to our clients. We want to ensure that marketing tactics and advertising dollars are directed as efficiently and effectively as possible. We deliver what we promise and identify challenges early, so we can course correct. And we are providing transparency through our status meetings and Data Scorecard along the way. Marketing is an art and a science, and as with any business endeavor, things rarely go 100% according to plan. The difference is we’re watching it, tracking it, and working to identify opportunities (and anticipate challenges) to make a difference in our clients’ business.

EOS Companies use Shared Language

When we work with EOS companies, we can speak the same EOS language, making collaboration easier and more efficient. If you don’t run on EOS, that’s ok. We can leave the jargon at the door, even if we’re applying EOS principles in the background. And if you haven’t tried EOS, you should. You may be surprised by the changes you can achieve in just a year or two. We can recommend several great EOS implementers to help you take your company to the next level. 

Let’s Drive Results Together

Our integrated marketing agency provides an EOS approach and depth of talent to drive results for your business through building and implementing strategic marketing plans. We are here to take care of your ongoing marketing needs so you can focus on running your business. We’ll even sit in your Marketing Seat if needed. Contact us today!