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Lead St. Pete

Sep 21, 2018

This year, Leadership St. Pete® (LSP), the second oldest program of its kind in the country, is selecting its 50th class. My personal experience with LSP began two years ago when one of my mentors encouraged me to apply. “You need to do this!” she emailed. Trusting her advice and yearning for a deeper connection to my community, I got to work. After I submitted my application for anonymous review and endured through the  interview process, I learned I was accepted to the Class of 2017.

My first impression was what an impressive group of people I was surrounded by - the diversity spans industries, career stages, and corners of our community. These individuals are smart, eager, energetic, and involved. I had the privilege to make lifelong connections with people I may never have met otherwise. I was excited to learn more about my city, but I didn’t expect how challenged I would be. LSP provides multiple opportunities to be pushed beyond your comfort zone. As class members, we are responsible for crafting and moderating one of the community-based seminars, generally in a field we are not familiar with, while simultaneously raising thousands of dollars in just a few months for a deserving non-profit. This encourages class members to research and explore corners of our community they haven’t experienced before and find strengths and talents they didn’t know they had.The connections fostered through this program introduced me to new friendships as well as business relationships for our agency. And, I’ve adopted many of the lessons I learned--from the formal leadership training, as well as our collaborative experiences--to bring back to our PY team.

Even more impressive than the talented people is what was accomplished when our group came together. Our class raised over $75,000 in just three months to renovate the Royal Theater Boys and Girls Club in The Deuces neighborhood of St. Pete. Our project has allowed the club to successfully receive further grants and resources in the years since.By participating in LSP, I learned how to be part of something bigger than myself. I found ways to conquer challenges and discovered strengths I didn’t know I possessed.

So I encourage all to apply and experience LSP for yourself! Applications for the 50th class are now open. You can attend an information session to learn about this great program and the impact it can have on you as well as the impact you can make in our community.

Come lead St. Pete.Learn more about Leadership St. Pete here.

Information sessions are being held throughout September. Register here.

Applications are due online Friday, October 5, 2018 by 4:30pm. Applications can be accessed here.