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Ethical Hacker Launches Cybersecurity & Compliance Company in Tampa Bay

CoAction Security recently embarked on a journey to redefine cybersecurity and compliance solutions with innovation and reliability at their core. Drawing on a decade of industry experience, CoAction Security’s founder set out to leverage his expertise to establish a cutting-edge cybersecurity firm, one whose focus is on client relationships, not just high-volume transactions. The founder developed the company name by combining two integral components of the brand: 'Collaboration and Action,' thereby defining the company's core values.

As a newly established company, CoAction Security approached Pyper, Inc. to bring their vision to life and lay the foundation for the brand. The result? A striking logo, engaging website, and even some standout merchandise—all reflecting CoAction's commitment to excellence, and Pyper, Inc.’s commitment to detail.

We began our discovery process by conducting a deep dive into every aspect of the company and its industry, including goals, aspirations, competition, target audiences, and the underlying story. 

With a focus on highly-regulated sectors in both B2B and B2C markets—such as healthcare, law, the Department of Defense, managed service providers (MSPs), and managed security service providers (MSSPs)—we developed a marketing plan that will help the company position itself in the market place and strategically grow over the next few years.

CoAction Security recently embarked on a journey to redefine cybersecurity and compliance solutions with innovation and reliability at their core. Drawing on a decade of industry experience, CoAction Security’s founder set out to leverage his expertise to establish a cutting-edge cybersecurity firm, one whose focus is on client relationships, not just high-volume transactions. The founder developed the company name by combining two integral components of the brand: 'Collaboration and Action,' thereby defining the company's core values.

As a newly established company, CoAction Security approached Pyper, Inc. to bring their vision to life and lay the foundation for the brand. The result? A striking logo, engaging website, and even some standout merchandise—all reflecting CoAction's commitment to excellence, and Pyper, Inc.’s commitment to detail.

We began our discovery process by conducting a deep dive into every aspect of the company and its industry, including goals, aspirations, competition, target audiences, and the underlying story. 

With a focus on highly-regulated sectors in both B2B and B2C markets—such as healthcare, law, the Department of Defense, managed service providers (MSPs), and managed security service providers (MSSPs)—we developed a marketing plan that will help the company position itself in the market place and strategically grow over the next few years.

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Building the CoAction Security Brand

CoAction Security's dynamically-designed logo is inspired by the founder’s background in penetration testing–testing networks to find possible vulnerabilities. The “O” extends through “Action,” alternating in front of and behind the letters before bouncing off the “N” to create the “I” in Security, emulating how a penetration tester seeks passages through company networks. The color palette evokes trust and professionalism with an edge of modernity and tech via a blend of bold blues, eccentric greens, and a dark, almost black shade. 

To supplement the visual design, Pyper, Inc. developed a key messaging framework revolving around the brand's pillars to address all audiences.

“Act like a CISO, think like a hacker.”

We integrated numerous elements from the brand strategy into the new website design. This includes headlines crafted from the key messaging framework that appeal to CoAction Security’s target audiences and a cohesive design that acts as an extension of the CoAction Security brand. The focus on a user-friendly interface ensures a seamless navigation experience, enabling visitors to access information effortlessly and efficiently.

Early Results

Within the first quarter of operations, CoAction Security engaged two new clients through B2B marketing efforts outlined in the marketing plan. Backed with a strong brand foundation and marketing strategy, CoAction Security now has the tools needed to scale for the future. 

About Pyper, Inc.

Pyper, Inc. is driven by achieving marketing results for our clients. From B2B to B2C, we help clients communicate with their target audiences across various tactics. We’d love to hear about your current marketing efforts, and see how we can help you reach your goals. Contact us today!